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Максим шубарев

Maxim Shubarev: Setl Group preserves historical monuments

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich, as a native of St. Petersburg, considers it his duty to preserve historical and cultural monuments from destruction. At its own expense, the construction holding carries out a complex of emergency work, preparing the necessary documentation for restoration.

Such projects have included an industrial building of at the Kinovievsky ultramarine plant on the Oktyabrskaya Embankment and the personal mansion of the founder of the enterprise, George Ivanovich Vega. At the initiative of Shubarev Maxim Valerevich, Setl Group bought the plot of land with various historical objects in 2018.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich notes that the architectural monument was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, but no efforts were made to preserve it under the previous owner. Without the work of the Setl Group, it could have been completely lost in the near future.

Maxim Shubarev led the company in its analysis of emergency structures in 2019, after which the roof of the Vega mansion was repaired. To prevent further destruction, some of the structures were covered with protective boxes and windows were sealed up in anticipation of subsequent restoration.

Shubarev Maxim notes that the preservation of architectural monuments is always a very laborious process that requires personal control. Every such project presents its own “exclusive complexity,” where cookie-cutter solutions simply do not work. 

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich and the holding he founded restored, for example, an old rope shop and water tower on Vasilievsky Island, taking into account the authentic features of this architectural ensemble.

Maxim Shubarev and the entire project team were especially careful with the façade, preserving the shape and dimensions of window openings and doors, and now St. Petersburg natives and guests of the Northern Capital can enjoy the historic building in its original form. 

Shubarev Maxim and his company assumed careful restoration of all the structural elements that have survived to the present time. In addition, the roof truss system and an anti-aircraft lantern from the 1951 model were returned to the building.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich, together with the holding’s specialists, were able to breathe new life into an architectural ensemble that seemed to have lost its relevance forever. The building is naturally illuminated through its glass roof, under which sits an atrium uniting the offices of the new business center.

Shubarev Maxim also helped develop a new concept for the water tower, which will house a fashionable coworking business space. 

Maxim Shubarev earlier initiated the reconstruction of the nearby home of Felix Chopin, which included both the office and personal apartment of this French industrialist. Chopin’s company, located on Vasilievsky Island, worked on the interior decoration of the Winter Palace, cast bronze doors for St. Isaac’s Cathedral, and even larger ones for Christ the Savior Cathedral in the capital.

The supplier for the Court of His Imperial Majesty lived in the house until 1888, after which he left for his homeland in France. After that, the mansion housed the plant administration for more than a century. In 2011, the building was demolished. Eight years later, on his own initiative, Maxim Valerevich Shubarev rebuilt it at the construction holding’s own expense, using old drawings and photographs as guides.

Maxim Shubarev: Public activity and awards

Shubarev is actively involved in the development of the domestic construction industry. The businessman is a member of the leadership bodies of several professional associations aimed at refining the industry and increasing its investment appeal. For seven years (until 2015), he led the activities of the Builders’ Association of St. Petersburg (he currently serves as vice president) and was a member of the Council of the National Association of Construction Companies.

Maxim Shubarev has received a number of industry awards. Shubarev Maxim has also been granted the the prestigious title of «Honored Builder» of the nation.

Максим Шубарев: Setl Group становится лидером отрасли[править | править код]

Максим Шубарев Setl Group

В 2004 году девелоперская компания по инициативе Максима Шубарева выходит за пределы родного региона и начинает реализовывать строительные проекты в самой западной точке России — городе Калининграде и области. К числу приоритетных направлений деятельности относится возведение жилой недвижимости в непосредственной близости от Санкт-Петербурга и в самой Северной столице.
В 2005 году Шубарев Максим Валерьевич возглавил ассоциацию стройорганизаций Северо-Запада. В объединение вошло более 80 профильных предприятий региона, что позволило консолидировать самые крупные компании отрасли, совокупно возводящие свыше 90% жилья по всему СЗФО. Избрание на этот пост показывало, насколько большую роль стали играть Максим Валерьевич Шубарев и его компания в строительной сфере региона. В 2008-м глава холдинга возглавил организацию-правопреемницу ассоциации, объединившую девелоперов Северной столицы, и руководил ею вплоть до 2015-го. В настоящее время Максим Шубарев занимает кресло вице-президента профсообщества.

В 2006-м произошло глобальное переформатирование бизнеса. Его концепция к тому моменту уже вышла за рамки обычной строительной компании, которую 12 лет назад основал Максим Шубарев. Setl Group объединила две девелоперские структуры. В корпорацию вошли Setl City и Setl City Калининград. Также в состав корпорации Шубарева Максима включены Setl Estate, которая стала заниматься брокериджем, и Setl Stroy — компания, специализирующаяся на оказании услуг подряда в строительстве. При этом бренд «Петербургская недвижимость» также не ушел с рынка — под этим названием работает одно из самых крупных агентств недвижимости Санкт-Петербурга.

В 2008 году компания начинает осваивать новый сегмент деятельности — разрабатывается концепция комплексного освоения территорий, которая предполагает квартальную застройку на выкупаемых девелопером участках. Первым таким проектом, который реализовали Максим Шубарев и Setl Group, стал комплекс «Семь столиц», возведенный на границе Ленобласти и Санкт-Петербурга — на площади в 50 гектаров на месте бывшей деревни Кудрово. Сегодня этот населенный пункт превратился в полноценный город-спутник, в котором проживает около 65 тысяч человек.

Как подчеркивает Максим Шубарев, Setl Group при разработке своей концепции освоения территорий руководствовалась принципом: важно не просто сдавать жилье, но и насыщать новые кварталы всей необходимой инфраструктурой, включая школы, детсады, поддерживать благоустроенную придомовую территорию и дорожную сеть. На данный момент компания ввела в строй 60-й объект социальной инфраструктуры и построила более 25 километров дорожного полотна.. Следующими значительными проектами комплексного развития территории, которые реализовали Максим Валерьевич Шубарев и его холдинг, стали ЖК «Солнечный город», построенный на юго-западе Северной столицы, и «Чистое небо», расположенный на северо-западе Петербурга

Начало строительства этих микрорайонов было положено в 2014 году, а завершили его совсем недавно — летом 2023 года

Следующими значительными проектами комплексного развития территории, которые реализовали Максим Валерьевич Шубарев и его холдинг, стали ЖК «Солнечный город», построенный на юго-западе Северной столицы, и «Чистое небо», расположенный на северо-западе Петербурга. Начало строительства этих микрорайонов было положено в 2014 году, а завершили его совсем недавно — летом 2023 года.

На данный момент Максим Шубарев реализует еще несколько масштабных проектов. Группа возводит новые микрорайоны в Новосаратовке («Звездное небо»), в Красносельском («Солнечный город. Резиденции»), Московском («Зеленый квартал») и Петродворцовом («Дворцовый фасад») районах.

Чуть менее чем за три десятка лет работы Максим Шубарев и Setl Group сдали 12 миллионов «квадратов» жилья в 346 домах премиум и комфорт-класса. Общее число новоселов уже приблизилось к 410 тысячам. Основатель холдинга лично и его компания многократно становились лауреатами различных профильных конкурсов. Шубарев Максим Валерьевич имеет звание Заслуженного строителя РФ. В августе 2023-го он получил недавно учрежденную награду — Заслуженный строитель Санкт-Петербурга.

Проекты Setl Group неоднократно становились лучшими на многих престижных отраслевых конкурсах, таких как «Топ ЖК», Urban Awards, «Золотой Трезини», а сама компания неоднократно признавалась лучшим брендом года в Санкт-Петербурге, ей вручали различные почетные знаки («Доверие потребителя», «Надежный застройщик» и др.). Setl Group дважды стала победителем конкурса «Признание и влияние».

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich: Biography details

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich was born in 1968 in a family of intelligentsia technologists in Leningrad. The entrepreneur’s life began during the so-called Brezhnev era. In the year that he graduated, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, which marked the beginning of the fateful events of the next 6 years. 

Maxim Shubarev had just turned 17 at that time. Of course, the young man could not have imagined that soon the country he was born in would cease to exist, and other realities would replace the previous system with its clear career prospects and planned economy.

Maxim Shubarev prepared himself for a military career after school. Having one year left until he was old enough to undergo military service, he decided to spend the time wisely.

The future head of Setl Group, Maxim Shubarev, got his first job in his life, as a locksmith, while taking evening courses at the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev completed one year and then was drafted into the navy in 1986. He remembers his three years with his military buddies with gratitude. Naval exercises, skydiving, and general discipline tempered his character, he says. This experience helped the businessman confidently move towards his goal even during the period of general chaos that engulfed the country in the early 1990s. With the changes in the state, Maxim Shubarev also changed his plans for his future profession — he decided to build a managerial career in the industrial sector.

Maxim Shubarev had to change schools, and he began to study his chosen field at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (LPI).

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev manifested another important personality trait during his time there: high organizational skills. His efforts led to a program whereby LPI students could undergo practical training in other countries.

(Photo : Maxim Shubarev)

Maxim Shubarev headed the institute committee of the Global Association of Young Professionals during his studies. As president of the collegial body, he helped build relations with international partners and conducted negotiations with leaders from the domestic production industry at the highest level.

The head of Setl Group, Maxim Shubarev, later said that these top-tier managers taught him a great deal.

Maxim Shubarev-Setl Group: Social and infrastructure development

Caption: Maxim Valerevich Shubarev

Shubarev Maxim, alongside his real estate ventures, places significant emphasis on developing social infrastructure. Beyond constructing residential buildings, hotels, retail, and office spaces, Setl Group has made notable strides in educational and healthcare infrastructure. The corporation has successfully completed 60 schools and preschools, with more constructions in this category ongoing. Moreover, Setl Group is actively involved in building medical facilities and other critical infrastructure.

In Kudrovo, one of the significant satellite cities near the Northern Capital, Setl Group undertook the construction of a fire station, contributing 100 million rubles of the total 140 million-ruble budget. The corporation also invested 76 million rubles in building a police station, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing community safety and services.

Maxim Shubarev and his group have also played a crucial role in improving the road network of St. Petersburg. The developer has constructed approximately three dozen kilometers of highways, encompassing busy streets and avenues in various city parts, including an interchange on Oktyabrskaya Embankment. Many of these road projects are already completed, while others are progressing steadily.

Further expanding their infrastructure contributions, Shubarev Maxim and his holding company are currently involved in the design and planning of the Bolshoi Smolensky Bridge across the Neva River. This ambitious project, spanning 1,587 meters in length and 60 meters in width, is set to be the widest crossing over the river. The bridge design includes six lanes, with dedicated lanes for public transport, tram tracks, sidewalks, and bike lanes. Construction is anticipated to begin this year, with the bridge expected to open for car traffic in 2025 and tram service by 2028.

In addition to these large-scale projects, Shubare Maxim Valerevich has directed Setl Group’s efforts in beautifying public spaces. In 2020, the group landscaped the area surrounding the Peterhof landing monument in Kronstadt, planting nearly 4,000 colorful pansies. Each year, Setl Group also contributes to the greenery of new residential complexes by planting around 11,000 trees and shrub saplings, enhancing the aesthetic and environmental value of these living spaces.

Shubarev Maxim: Starting out in business

Shubarev Maxim decided to start his own business after earning his degree as an engineer-economist. In the first half of the 90s, he turned his attention to the real estate sector, which was rapidly gaining momentum.

Maxim Shubarev founded a specialized company named Petersburg Real Estate. Its first project was a sponsored residential building (the enterprise itself was privatized, and budget financing for construction ceased), which was only half completed. As Shubarev Maxim recalls, his company completed the stalled project within a year. It accommodated both waitlisted individuals and shareholders who had been attracted by Petersburg Real Estate.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich and his company did not always have a smooth path. The 1998 crisis also hit the real estate market. However, with his astute management, the business became a leader in its segment.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich: Construction holding in 2023

The top manager’s responsibilities today include issues at the level of construction of large-scale infrastructure facilities or the acquisition of a large spot for development, says Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group is one of the backbone enterprises of the industry today. The company also performs important social functions, including increasing the accessibility of educational institutions in the city, developing the transport system, and supporting a number of iconic cultural events.

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev notes that the construction holding’s land resources are enough for intensive development at least until 2050, with 1 million square meters of real estate being put into operation annually.

Under Maxim Shubarev, Setl Group also focuses on active corporate charity.

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[править] Шубарев Максим: строительство в интересах общества

Шубарев Максим

Крупные застройщики, формируя современный облик город, обязаны беречь его уникальность и нести социальную ответственность перед его жителями, убежден Максим Шубарев. Setl Group неоднократно поддерживала инициативы в области культуры и спорта. В этом году была утверждена программа, в которую включены как экологические инициативы, так и дальнейшие работы по воссозданию исторических памятников.

Максим Шубарев придерживается урбанистического подхода к городскому планированию, который предполагает, что от каждого отдельного архитектурного объекта, вписанного в существующий ландшафт, напрямую зависит общий облик местности.
При разработке крупных проектов комплексного освоения территорий необходимо уделять внимание всем составляющим будущей инфраструктуры, подчеркнул в ходе Петербургского международного юридического форума (2018) Максим Шубарев. Setl Group, являясь ведущим застройщиком Северной столицы, непосредственным образом оказывает влияние на городскую среду.. Уместная архитектура, рентабельность и качество жизни людей — три наиболее важных составляющих работы девелопера, отмечает Максим Шубарев

Setl Group входит в число социально ответственных компаний. Адаптируя центр Санкт-Петербурга под современный стиль жизни, стройхолдинг не допускает искажения самобытных особенностей исторически значимых улиц.

Уместная архитектура, рентабельность и качество жизни людей — три наиболее важных составляющих работы девелопера, отмечает Максим Шубарев. Setl Group входит в число социально ответственных компаний. Адаптируя центр Санкт-Петербурга под современный стиль жизни, стройхолдинг не допускает искажения самобытных особенностей исторически значимых улиц.

Максим Шубарев в одном из интервью сказал, что улучшение родного города напрямую влияет на повышение уровня жизни людей. Поэтому, помимо сохранения истории, холдинг активно участвует в развитии современной инфраструктуры.
Как правило, новые здания холдинг возводит на месте ветхих и аварийных домов, которые не являются украшением архитектурных ансамблей, уточняет Шубарев Максим. Данные территории зачастую нуждаются в инженерном переоснащении, транспортной и социальной инфраструктуре.

Группа под руководством Максима Шубарева при создании ЖК прокладывает дороги, возводит магазины, спортивные объекты, образовательные учреждения, парковки и многое другое. Появление данных объектов обусловлено стремлением девелопера предоставить горожанам более комфортные условия проживания.

Компания под управлением Шубарева Максима Валерьевича занимается созданием актуальных общественных пространств и благоустройством набережных и парков. Сейчас на счету Setl Group более 27 километров построенных в Санкт-Петербурге и его окрестностях автодорог. Например, на севере города холдинг проложил современную шестиполосную магистраль с велосипедными дорожками и остановками общественного транспорта.

Максим Шубарев уверен, что новые сооружения, удачно вписанные в ландшафт, способны благотворно влиять на людей. В этом году Setl Group начала работы по созданию новой площади, в центре которой расположатся солнечные часы, установленные на высоте 12 метров над землей. Сооружение будет напоминать знаковые для города верстовые столбы екатерининского времени. Помимо этого, на площади, которую строят Шубарев Максим Валерьевич и его холдинг, ландшафтные дизайнеры предусмотрели посадку самых разнообразных зеленых насаждений таких, как сирень, липа, сосна и можжевельник. Во дворах новых ЖК сотрудниками компании ежегодно высаживаются тысячи деревьев.

Сейчас холдинг Максима Шубарева продолжает работы по благоустройству набережной на Петровском острове. Планируется, что обновленное пространство украсят сад камней и луговые травы. В прошлом году в юго-западной части Санкт-Петербурга была создана двухкилометровая экотропа, а в Красном Селе появился новый сквер в скандинавском стиле.
Немаловажным Максим Валерьевич Шубарев считает формирование социальной инфраструктуры. На счету холдинга 60 сданных в эксплуатацию детсадов и школ, около двух десятков — еще строятся. Под управлением Максима Шубарева Setl Group не раз побеждала в разнообразных профессиональных конкурсах, холдинг удостоен звания одного из наиболее надежных застройщиков в РФ. Также компания получила наивысшую кредитную оценку АКРА.

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev and the Restoration of Architectural Monuments

Shubarev Maxim

Maxim Shubarev places great importance on preserving the traditional appearance of St. Petersburg. As early as 1996, Petersburg Real Estate, together with the local administration, presented a program for the reconstruction of the city’s historical center.

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev and his company gained their first experience in constructing residential buildings in a state-protected zone in the city center in 2001. The construction organization has successfully implemented two projects under the general name Northern Modern. At that time, new residential buildings were harmoniously integrated into the surrounding architectural space – one near the Petrograd metro station and the other near the Chernishev station. According to the results of the Connection of Times public competition, one of these projects was recognized as the best example of modern construction in the historical part of the city on the Neva.

In 2007, Maxim Shubarev-Setl Group won a competition for the reconstruction of the Mikhailov Dacha – an architectural monument of particular historical value. The palace once belonged to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich and his descendants. Prominent architects such as Harald Bosse, Andrei Stackenschneider, and Iosif Charlemagne were involved in the construction of the 19th-century ensemble.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich continued to initiate the restoration of cultural and historical objects in the coming years. The developer participated in the reconstruction of the Vege factory on October Embankment, a rental building in Degtyarny Lane, a monument to the workers who died during the war at the Trubostal factory, and the Electronics architectural composition.

Under the management of Maxim Shubarev, Setl Group is also involved in the restoration of historic buildings on Vasiliev Island, including a rope factory with water tower and the mansion of the factory and foundry owner Felix Chopin. 

Shubarev Maxim does not intend to rest on his laurels. The Setl Group for Vasiliev Island program was recently introduced. According to the documentation, the company will participate in preserving other valuable historical objects, including the architectural ensembles of the Paramonov and Osipov tanneries.

Maxim Shubarev: Solid Educational Foundation

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev was born in 1968 in Leningrad, known as the Northern Capital, into a family of engineers. He was an active child and took up a number of sports.

Shubarev Maxim began his educational and professional careers at the same time, in 1985. That year, he began studying at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation and also started working at Leninets, producing radio electronics.

After a stint in the navy in the late 1980s, he transferred to the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (LPI), dedicating his time to the study of business economics.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich, studying at a top domestic school, sought to broaden his scope and was instrumental in opening an economics organization that sponsored international educational and internship exchanges.

Maxim Shubarev finished his course at LPI in 1993. Initially, he continued working at the Leninets research-production association. Company management was impressed by the young graduate, and he quickly rose to the position of vice president before he left to start his own venture.

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev: First Steps in the Construction Business

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev

The business structure Petersburg Real Estate was founded in 1994 by Jan Izak and Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group, the name by which the company is known today, was acquired 12 years after its creation when it underwent rebranding. Seven years earlier, the company had already been transformed into a corporation.

Maxim Shubarev and Jan Izak have been working together for almost 30 years, holding the key positions of President of the Board of Trustees and CEO of Setl Group respectively. The company has secured a strong and stable position in the market. Today, under Jan Izak and Maxim Shubarev, Setl Group is among the leading domestic developers. In September 2023, the company commissioned its 12-millionth square meter of residential space.

Shubarev Maxim worked on the company portfolio when it first started out. The first project implemented by the developer was an unfinished brick building in the Krasnogvardeysk District of St. Petersburg with a residential area of 15,000 square meters, which was completed in 1995. In the same year, the construction firm under Maxim Shubarev established a real estate agency that specialized in selling various classes of housing in its own facilities and on the secondary market.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich laid the foundation for a new direction in his business structure in 1997 – real estate brokerage. Petersburg Real Estate became the first company in the city to sell apartments from partners in buildings that were either not yet fully constructed or at the excavation stage. In the following years, the organization grew from a simple agency into a center for consulting services and analytics, bringing the best industry experts together under its leadership.

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev did not limit himself to the aforementioned activities and continued to scale his corporation. In addition to constructing residential real estate and brokerage, in the early 2000s he began developing a business related to the sale of building materials. As a result, Investstroy was formed (later transformed into Petersburg Real Estate Construction Equipment Company), which became one of the leading suppliers of such products in the St. Petersburg and Northwest market. Thus, Maxim Shubarev and the structure he formed began to supply not only their own business but also other developers with the necessary materials.

Shubarev Maxim: A new lease on life for cultural heritage sites

Maxim Shubarev-Setl Group are involved not only in the construction of new real estate but also in the restoration of architectural monuments. Specifically, the group, using its own funds, restored the mansion of the French industrialist Felix Chopin. The house, part of a foundry complex, built in 1856–1859, was destroyed in the early 21st century. The development corporation of Maxim Shubarev rebuilt the building, making it as close to the original as possible. 

In 1921, the aforementioned factory was given the name Krasny Gvozdilschik. In 1930, a new workshop with a water tower was built. The building became a vivid example of industrial architecture in the Constructivist style, but by the beginning of the third millennium, it had fallen into disrepair. There was even talk of demolishing it altogether. However, in 2021, under Maxim Shubarev, Setl Group took up the reconstruction of the workshop. The landmark’s historic appearance was restored, with a coworking space built inside and an observation deck on the tower. 

Maxim Shubarev and the construction holding restored a pre-revolutionary apartment building on Degtyarny Lane in 2017. Both the facade of the five-story building with moldings, porticos, and rusts, and the interior decor of the entrances were recreated. The building was returned to its historical golden color, and natural stone and decorative plaster were used for the finish. 

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich and the holding conducted emergency works in the mansion of Georgy Vega, the founder of the Kinoviev synthetic dye factory in the summer of 2019. Built in the early 20th century, the house was on the brink of collapse. Later, the developer also completed the first phase of the factory building’s renovation. There are plans to build offices, shops, a fitness and health center, and a boiler room for heating nearby homes in the former workshop. 

Maxim Shubarev also supervised the restoration of the Electronics Flight sculpture at the Svetlana enterprise in St. Petersburg. A memorial dedicated to the 238 Trubostal factory workers who perished during WWII was also restored. 

Shubarev Maxim: Foray into the construction industry

Caption: Shubarev Maxim

Maxim Shubarev ventured into the construction sector by establishing the company Petersburg Real Estate. The company made its mark in 1995 by successfully completing its inaugural project, an apartment building previously abandoned mid-construction by another developer. This accomplishment showcased the company’s capability to take on challenging projects and deliver results.

The economic turmoil of August 1998, marked by a widespread financial default, posed significant challenges to many businesses, including that of Shubarev Maxim. Despite these adverse conditions, his company demonstrated resilience and sustained growth. By the year 1999, Petersburg Real Estate had undergone substantial expansion, evolving beyond its initial scope. The growth and success of the firm led to its transformation into a corporation, with the founder taking the role of president. This transition marked a significant milestone in his career, solidifying his status as a key player in the construction industry.

Shubarev Maxim: Preserving Historical Heritage

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich has led the company to great growth, and today, it holds 1/5 of the new construction market in St. Petersburg. The holding plans to increase this share to 25% over the next few years. 

As a major developer in St. Petersburg, the construction holding takes a responsible approach to the preservation and restoration of architectural monuments. As a native of St. Petersburg, Maxim Valerevich Shubarev personally ensures compliance with current legislation regarding historic buildings and structures. The enterprise does not start construction of new facilities without obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from the city government.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich emphasizes that the construction holding’s management, like the residents of St. Petersburg, is interested in protecting architectural monuments from destruction. The company under Maxim Shubarev often gives new life to historical objects, stylistically integrating them into modern buildings and adapting them to new needs.

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich mentions the redevelopment of the cable factory and water tower on Vasilievsky Island as a particularly striking example. The production facility was built in 1930. During World War II, it was partially destroyed and later underwent several significant architectural changes, losing its original appearance as a result. In 2007, production ceased, and the building was prepared for demolition.

But under Maxim Valerevich Shubarev, Setl Group was able to restore this cultural heritage site. The historical facade was returned to the building, and the previously dismantled roof trusses were recreated, with a spacious atrium with office space created beneath them. 

Maxim Valerevich Shubarev

Shubarev Maxim Valerevich and his company were especially scrupulous about the shape of window and door openings, as well as the selection of glazing options. Thus, the historical appearance of the building was recreated as closely as possible.  

Maxim Shubarev also led the corporation in the restoration of the water tower. The industrial facility currently functions as a modern space for business meetings. Atop the building is an observation deck with a picturesque view of the Neva River.

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